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Financial Accounts

Expenditure Transactions over £100

Transactions over £100 (excl. VAT) for the financial year.

Accounting Statements

The Annual Accounting Statement shows the cash balances, precept, staff costs and other income and expenditure for the last 2 accounting years.

Annual Governance Statements

A document signed by the Council confirming whether it conforms to the required financial and governance standards.

Bank Reconciliations

This shows that the Council's bank account statements match its accounting cashbook at the end of the financial year.

Certificate of Exemptions

A Certificate of Exemption from external audit will be created by a Parish Council if its turnover is below £25,000 in a year. It was not applicable to us in financial year 2022/23.

Conclusion of Audit

A document confirming that the audit of the Council's accounts for the last accounting year is complete.

External Audit Reports

A certificate signed by an external auditor annually

Internal Audit Reports

The report presented after an internal audit of the Council..

Notice of Public Rights

A document explaining the rights the public have to inspect the Council's annual accounts.


A document to explain significant differences between a financial year and the preceding year.

General Policies and Publications

Councillor Code of Conduct

A document explaining the role and expected conduct of Councillors.

Risk Assessment

A document which outlines the principal risks involved in the Council's activities and how they are mitigated.

Asset Register

Details of the council's owned assets.

Data Policies

Accessibility Statement

This accessibility statement is an information page re this website that clearly states the level of web accessibility to which the website aims to conform.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy describes how we gather, use and manage personal data from visitors to this website

Document Retention

Document detailing the council's arrangements for retaining certain documents, and how long they should be retained.

Statutory Documents

Standing Orders

Written rules for the Council, confirming the procedures under which it operates

Financial Regulations

Financial rules to which the Council must adhere

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